Upcoming Workshops and events:

NSFW Cut N Paste is back! Join us for a night of collaging with vintage playboy magazines, anonymous sex confessions, and natural wine samples supplied by Sip Liquor, all at the lovely Violets Shop in Little Italy!

Feb. 13, 7-9:30 pm

Decorate your very own body-safe ceramic dildo at the Traveling Tickle Trunk!

Feb. 9, 6-8:30 pm

These sessions are for self love. Book a shoot, pick your very own ceramic dildo to bring home with you, and have photos taken with and without it. These are made for just you. To celebrate our skin and pleasure and all things in between.

Feb. 23, 11-4

Home of the one and only ceramic dildo paint night

cowboy painted dildo from paint night

make space for pleasure

make space for pleasure •


Amsterdam Sex Shop B1 Cinema 50 years ago
B1 Sex Shop and Cinema 2019

Read the SEXPLETIVE Blog

SEXPLETIVE’s most popular post is about Erica’s time in Amsterdam, working at the oldest sex shop and cinema in the city.

Learn about a wide variety of other topics like what it is like to work as a stripper, how to practice sex-positivity, how to pick your first (or next) sex toy, and so much more!

Why Ceramic?


mindfully pleasurable


locally handmade with love

beautifully decorative

perfect for
temperature play


ask an anonymous sex-ed question, find community resources in the Edmonton area, learn about Erica’s motivation to start SEXPLETIVE, order a custom dildo…

explore your curiosity and add more pleasure to your life :)

white custom dildo